Due to the grand response to our July 4th sale, I've paid forward a sizable inventory at my current cost level to see if we've reached some price break that allows better product throughput. Most outfits respond with passing on the costs until you can't afford their products like you once could. This ultimately serves no one and I cannot expect to be exempt from the side effects. I'm trying to do something about it in my personal neck of the woods and you're an integrated part of that.
So, we're extending the sale through July So far, our price restructuring has worked well in providing better volume in sales and I'm willing to see if this additional savings will yield higher volumes. I'd like to make these permanent, but this will be a challenge when my current allotment of product at the old pricing is exhausted.
I was pretty upset that I wasn't gonna be able to take advantage of the sale but since it is going all month I will most certainly be able to pick up a few bottles.