Well, the title says it all. I started treatment on our 1996 Isuzu Trooper with 106k miles. Change oil today and added AutoRx for the 1st cleaning cycle. Oil is Chevron Supreme 10w30 with a Bosch Premium filter. The dreaded valvetrain tick which was intermittent before the treatment is now constant and at all rpms. I started the treatment with an initial 50 mile drive that included 40 interstate miles. I have read the posts here and at BITOG to be patient but the ticking noise is driving me nuts and hard to get used to.
Well, at least I only have 2450 miles to go before I start the rinse phase...
As you said, you need to be patient through the whole thing, clean and rinse. You will probably hear noise during the rinse but the main thing is patience and knowing that your engine is getting cleaned!
All I can say is get that engine going! I mean drive it like you stole it and keep it up to operating temp as long as possible to do some good. Auto-rx is activated by heat and only works when the oil is really flowing. Try to work in a longer trip here and there to accomplish this.
When I did the auto-rx thing, I used to take it out for a 50 mile run a couple of nights a week, get that thing nice and warm, and you will get results.