You have just finished with the cleaning and rinse applications to clean the motor's internals with respect to harmful deposits, but you are really stopping at third base. Why not make it a homerun with the maintenance program!
In addition to keeping your motors vital internals clean, Auto-Rx® has been shown to reduce wear and provide a lower coefficient of friction than with motor oil alone. With just 3 to 4 fluid ounces in the sump, lubrication is enhanced, as well as fuel efficiency. With the maintenance dose, you can have it working every time you turn the key. (3 ounces conventinal oil- 4 ounces synthetic)
After an initial cleaning and rinsing, add 3 to 4 fluid ounces (total) of Auto-Rx® with each oil change. This will provide additional cleaning over the long haul and will prevent having to clean the engine again down the road.
The maintenance dose has shown excellent results through used oil analysis with both conventional oil runs and full synthetic oil with extended drains. Take advantage of the volume discount price offerings and add that extra bottle with your order so you can keep your engine at peak performance!