If you were to market a ARX fuel system cleaner it would have to be a sold at a price that would be competitive with products one would otherwise find at a auto parts store or say a Wal-Mart.
Why does one need a fuel system cleaner? Many vehicle manufacturer's endorse Top Tier gasoline. Here is a link to knowing more about Top Tier gasoline - http://www.toptiergas.com/
Why Top Tier? Because it ensures that there is a higher level of gasoline detergents / additives in the fuel that will help prevent things from clogging up, such as fuel injectors.
Is using Top Tier gasoline enough? As a vehicle ages probably not.
Many new vehicles no longer have a fuel filter. They rely instead on a filtering sock that surrounds the submerged in the fuel tank fuel pump. These socks are not easily serviceable. Normally if you were to change the fuel pump you'd change the sock and that's the extent of routine maintenance.
As you might expect in time too much crud passes through the sock or the sock itself becomes restrictive as it loads up with contaminants.
The latest form of fuel injection is called direct injection. If these injectors (in the combustion chamber) become clogged it can easily lead to fuel dilution of the motor oil. Since few people are doing oil analysis to know how much fuel dilution they are experiencing selling them on the idea of using a fuel system cleaner on a regular basis is good marketing approach.
Most all the gasoline we buy today contains a percentage of ethanol. Ethanol is corrosive and absorbs moisture. A good fuel system cleaner helps counteract the negative effects of ethanol by adding cleaners and lubricants to another wise "dry" gasoline.
The company you are considering buying your fuel system cleaner from should be able to give you data that shows their product is on par or superior to most other products on the market.