The application for an automatic transmission of a passenger car or light truck, is to run the 6 fluid ounces for 1000 miles before purging the old fluid out with new fluid. This will guarantee that all deposits are suspended in the old fluid before purging. It is not advisable to add the 6 fluid ounces and run for 30,000 miles in a transmission that may be dirty. Filtration is somewhat non existent in many automatic transmissions, other than a small magnet. It is not advised to circulate dirty fluid much longer than the recommended 1000 miles. During a normal application while ARX dissolves the oxidized fluid deposits, some gear filings or overdrive clutch wear deposits may be attached to the oil deposits, which will become liberated, as the oil phase is dissolved. If the transmission is spotless clean I would have no problem running ARX in the transmission for much longer than the 1000 miles. But the only way to verify a spotless tranny is to tear down. So in reality I advise that the stock instructions is the way to go. Rich
Transmissions under application doin't know how you missed it but below is the instructions.
Manual Transmission
The application ratio is 1 ounce of Auto-RX® per quart of oil. Drive 1,000 miles and drain the Auto-RX® and oil. Refill according to your vehicle manufacturer's recommendation. The application will last for the life of your manual transmission.
true an ATF filter is a compromise between filtration and fluid flow. You dont want to impede the flow and yet you want to filter the fluid Well the thing to use is an inline filter that runs in the trans cooler line. This is similar to a metal can fuel filter but also has an oil pressure bypass valve so when the filter clogs up, it will pass fluid thru it. My thought is if you are using a cooler line filter that filters out to 10 microns or less, which keeps the fluid clean, then you ought to be able to run it longer with autor-rx in the tranny, before doing a fluid change. And simply change out the trans inline filter instead of doing the flush. If the auto-rx truly frees up deposits and crud then the inline filter should be able to clear the fluid.
Unless there is another reason for flushing the trans which has had auto-rx in it besides dirty fluid.?