Hello, I bought a bottle of ARX and was planning to put it in my 1999 V6 Camry with new oil and filter. But I think after I do that I will be probably driving the car for 1000 miles and then going for a vacation out of the country for 4 weeks. Is it OK to keep the ARX and oil sitting for such a long time? And can I come back and drive 1500 miles to complete the clean phase? Thanks
You will be just fine leaving it in there for that short amount of time. Due to the mileage on the car, I would consider 2 ARX treatments. Thanks for trying the product, and I'm sure that you'll be pleased with the results!
2001 Ford Ranger, 4.0 V6. Mobil 1 0w-30, Motorcraft FL 820s filter, 3oz Auto Rx
There is nothing bad inside Auto-Rx it is green chemistry you can keep it in your oil as long as you keep the oil in your engine.
Pl;ease reread www.auto-rx.com and make sure to read application instructions. You have 1 bottle thats enough to clean just under 100,000 miles. Your results and satisfaction are based on using the correct amount of Auto-Rx Your definitely a two bottle application.