I have always been believer in duralube, but how will ARX effect it if at all. I don't plan to run any untill the treatment is complete, but after I get finished with the leaky seal treatment and start the maintenance does, will duralube and others be effected by ARX?
I just bought a 95 Infinity J30 that has a leaky rear main. The car has 157,000 by the way. I am in hopes that this will work and not have to spend $400 to get it fixed. I will keep everyone posted as to how it works. I like what people are saying about this stuff so I hope it works.
I would do a complete cleaning with Auto-Rx as it removes the Dura lube and will clean your engine slowly and safely just follow the instructions for seal leaks.
That is my plan, my question in case it wasn't clear was, can you run duralube with ARX in the maintenance dose? I'm am assuming not since you said that it cleans out that stuff too.