I am really trying to make my cars last. In no way do I want a bunch of dumb responses with flames attached.
I have used Amsoil (0-30 and 5-30) for over 20 years and always changed oil and filter at one year or 10,000 miles whichever came first. Somehow, as I age, my guts are telling me that 10K is too long and that 1 year is too long.
My point is if I go back to 3-5K OCI's, would I be better off with a good old fashioned dino with 3 oz of ARX? Would I be "breaking even"?
By the way, I just finished the cleaning phase on all 5 of my cars. And I am using Amoil OE and I know the answer to my original question in my subject header is "No".
You would get some of the synthetic benefits out of a dino oil by adding auto-rx. ARX will add some polar properties to a conventional oil. That means that it will help oil adhere or cling to metal surfaces, leaving behind a better oil film to aid in cold starts. One of the esters used in Auto-Rx is in there to safeguard the cleaning process by making the oilm more durable. In otherwords guards against fisheyes or dry spots. Auto-Rx added in the maintenance dose can help extend the service life of a conventional oil, through supplemental lubricity, detergency, and dispersant capability.
However, it will not help with conventional oils shearing down. Conventional oils depend pretty much soley on polymers to create the desired viscocity indexing. Whereas with full synthetics molecules are created to meet these characteristics. Therefor the full synthetic is made to spec, rather than dependant on additives to achieve the desired visocity. Full synthetics by nature can carry away more heat from frictional parts than conventional oils. And full synthetics have a longer operating life. Full synthetics have better pour points in extreme cold weather. It all depend on what type of driving you do, as to weather or not synthetic oil is better suited to your needs. In many cases it is not.