We know longer recommend Jiffy Lube for any service.
http://mfile.akamai.com/12924/wmv/vod.ibsys.com/2006/0503/9152183.200k.asx-- Edited by lucylove at 16:50, 2007-06-08
Frank Miller
Still holding up strong!
This was my first experience about a year ago-... I first heard about this stuff on Bobstheoilguy. So I decided to give this stuff a shot on an old V8 with well over 150k on the motor. I put one bottle of Autorx and 6 qts of...
Shelby likes Autorx
used 1 quart
980 miles into cleaning phase using Formula Shell 5w30 and a Fram filter and my '96 Mazda B4000 with 95,xxx miles used a quart of oil. I topped off with another quart of Formula Shell. My question, after using this much oil during the cleaning phase will effect the performance of Auto RX during the rest...
Oil filter recommendation for RX?
I am about to start the cleaning phase soon, and was wondering if you had any filter suggestions. I normally use a Motorcraft FL 820s. Should I use a cheapo filter, or something decent? I guess I wondering about the filter becoming clogged.
500 miles for cleaning phase
I think I messed up...I only put 500 miles during the cleaning phase on a 60k mile engine before changing out the oil. I lost track of how many miles and changed it out too soon (It's a weekend driver and sees about 3k miles per year). Would you guys have any idea how much cleaning it did? Should I do anot...
Read customers results in MPG
Do you think clean ring packs had anything to do with his results? I recently ran the cleaning cycle on my 1992 Mitsubishi Galant, SOHC 2.0L, with about 145k on the clock. She would use about a quart, sometimes 1.5 qts, of oil every 3k miles or so, not bad really, but enough to make me keep an eye on it. I woul...
Frank Miller
Too much Auto RX?
I stumbled across a thread on Bobistheoilguy where a guy was worried because he put the full 12oz botttle in a vehicle that only takes 5 quarts of oil. He never posted any results of the application. What would have occured by adding 2 extra ounces? Is there an amount of "overage" that would c...
Rinsing Phase question: 10W-40 instead of 30?
My apologies in advance if these are questions that have been asked before: (If so, please just point me to the relevant threads) I am on the edge of going to my first rinse phase (about 50 miles short of 1500 at the moment). The cleaning was done with Supertech 10W-30. I know from the site ins...
Maintenance Dose
After the final rinse, should I use a dino with the 3oz. dose or a synthetic? I understand that the maintenance dose will work with either, but does one work better? Frank frequently suggests dino for best results. Is this the case for regular use with the 3oz. dose? I don't mind spending more for a s...
Hesitations when engine is cold since ARX
Hi, I have used Auto-RX in the engine of 160,000miles Volvo. I did the cleaning cycle and now I'm at the end of the rinsing cycle. Before ARX the engine was perfectly fine, basically I used ARX as preventive maintenance. However since the beginning of the cleaning phase, the engine developped hesitat...
hours not miles apps
posted on bitog but figured i would check opinions here. i have an old generator with 3hp b&s engine from the late 60's-early 70's i intend to treat it with auto rx.need to know how many hours to run it for each cycle. it does not appear to consume oil but i figure it cant hurt to treat it.
About Mileage
I thought this was a very good article by the inventor of Auto-Rx and just wanted to share it with you. Oil can't lubricate through dirt.etc so you have drag/friction. Oil additives just the same. Clean metal allows any oil to lubricate every nook & cranny. Now you have no drag/friction so engine n...
2005 Toyota Matrix XR AWD 50,000, insight?
Hello all,
I just read up on the Auto RX product and it does peak my interest. I have an 05 Matrix XR AWD with about 48,000 as we speak on the odo. I do my own oil changes every 3,000 miles with a Toyota Filter and Castrol GTX 5W-30 non-synthetic oil. So far so good, but I would like to have the engine be cleane...
The bucks leak here
I guess we all know or at least believe that maximum, or optimal ring pack sealing, or mating provides maximum performance in any motor. Maximizing compression has got to provide for better use of fuel. Of coarse we can either use this performance for economy, or our right foot can enjoy the performan...
Father's Day Discount Coupon! ARXFDC.
Please take advantage of this great fathers's day sales offer. Please use coupon ARXFDC.
oil light went on.....
well... my oil light sometimes goes on... whats the deal?... i have plenty of oil in there.... even a little more than usual cuz i have a bad oil pan gasket that likes to leak & needs to be changed... i am about 1.9k miles into the 1st stage (i have synthetic oil & folowing franks instructions) cou...
ARX in a Jaguar XK8...good results
Having completed treatment and rinse phases in this car and now it's back running on fully synthetic Ii decided to track MPG variations on a regular drive. I undertake this drive in identical test conditions (as I always leave late evening or early morning when it is cool and no traffic). model year 96...
Mark M UK
ARX in a Jaguar XK8...good results
Having completed treatment and rinse phases in this car and now it's back running on fully synthetic Ii decided to track MPG variations on a regular drive. I undertake this drive in identical test conditions (as I always leave late evening or early morning when it is cool and no traffic). model year 96...
Mark M UK
Oils To Use With Auto-Rx Application
You can use Auto-Rx in cleaning applications with Dino-Group-111- Group 4 Synthetic. 1- Cleaning using Straight Synthetic 2000 miles-Rinse Straight Synthetic -3000 Miles 2-Seal Leak as on www.auto-rx.com 3-High mileage Oil not reccomended as one of the additives swells seals. -- Edited by db...
1999 Dodge Dakota R/T 383 Stroker Motor
Abused for sure:) Well maintained. Flushed and filled w/ screen change once a year. Was starting to slip a tad under load. Ran the AutoRX per the instructions and flushed and filled. No slipping at all. Added bonus was a surprisingly smoother shift! Thanks Frank!
Coupon Runs Out June 1, 2007 Buy Today.
Orders of 1 bottle today only get $2.00 discount. 3-4-5-6 bottle orders get 1 additional bottle at N/C today only May 31-2007 Only. This post will be void 6-1-07
Change amount of oil when using Auto RX?
Dumb question but, do you change the amount of oil you use during the cleaning phase? Should I reduce my oil fill by 10 oz to account for the Auto RX?
Customer increased gas miles with 2nd Auto-Rx cleaning phase.
Okay, I know all about MPG threads on BITOG. I'm usually one of the critics of "increases". I also hadn't noticed any difference in performance, MPG, or anything during my first treatment of ARX. Now see/hear this... I am currently on the 2nd cleaning phase of ARX in my car - a 1993 Mazda MX6 2...
Diesel Car Application Instructions?
I am interested in buying a W123 1982 Mercedes sedan with a 5 cyliner 3.0L turbo diesel engine. What application instructions should I use? I read the one under "diesel" but it said it is only for the Duramax, Cummins, and PSD American trucks. Thanks!
What oil to use on BMW 325i?
I am considering purchasing a 2001 BMW 325i. It has a 2.5 liter L6 engine with 109,000 miles on it. If I do buy it, the first thing I am going to do is start an arx cycle on it. My only concern is that BMW states in several different places on the car that you should only use BMW spec oil and they recomend Castrol...
TOPIC "About Mileage"
I thought this was a very good article by the inventor of Auto-Rx and just wanted to share it with you. Oil can't lubricate through dirt.etc so you have drag/friction. Oil additives just the same. Clean metal allows any oil to lubricate every nook & cranny. Now you have no drag/friction so engine...
TOPIC "About Mileage"
I thought this was a very good article by the inventor of Auto-Rx and just wanted to share it with you. Oil can't lubricate through dirt.etc so you have drag/friction. Oil additives just the same. Clean metal allows any oil to lubricate every nook & cranny. Now you have no drag/friction so engine...
TOPIC " About Mileage "
I thought this was a very good article by the inventor of Auto-Rx and just wanted to share it with you. Oil can't lubricate through dirt.etc so you have drag/friction. Oil additives just the same. Clean metal allows any oil to lubricate every nook & cranny. Now you have no drag/friction so engine...
TOPIC " Gas Mileage"
I thought this was a very good article by the inventor of Auto-Rx and just wanted to share it with you. Oil can't lubricate through dirt.etc so you have drag/friction. Oil additives just the same. Clean metal allows any oil to lubricate every nook & cranny. Now you have no drag/friction so engine n...
Change amount of oil when using Auto RX?
Dumb question but, do you change the amount of oil you use during the cleaning phase? Should I reduce my oil fill by 10 oz to account for the Auto RX?